David Hockney - The New Banksy?


That may be an outrageous statement considering the lifetime of work the inimitable Yorkshireman has produced, his restless championing of new ways of working and his endless quest for colour. Where the comparison may be closer to the mark though is in the recent demand for his work on paper, with many of the artist’s prints doubling in price over the last 12 months. Let’s not forget he remains the second highest priced living artist after Jeff Koons, so for most people an edition is as close as we’ll get.

But with almost 70 years of work to choose from, where do you begin? My personal favourites are his early etchings, but I’ve a soft spot for his dachshund pictures and his pool pictures. Currently, it’s the iPad drawings that have captured the world’s imagination and we’ve included our stock of them in the selection of works below, any of which we’d recommend for investment. With two major exhibitions of his work coming up this year and a digital artwork due to be screened daily at Piccadilly circus and around the world, Hockney fever is high.

So, whilst I don’t anticipate seeing the artist in a hoodie, up a ladder, spraying a wall near you anytime soon, I do expect to see values continuing to soar along with demand.


View our latest Hockney works here -




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April 1, 2022
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