Keith Haring meets Sesame Street...

Acquisition alert!

Keith Haring

Ten untitled animation cells for 'Telephone'1991

Screenprint and marker on rhodoid


We're all familiar with the radical, unabashed joy of Keith Haring. A passionate believer in the public right to art, he worked in a variety of media and formats, always striving to make his work as accessible as possible. From paintings, graffiti and public sculpture to shopping bags, clothing and animation, his unique visual language surrounds us wherever we go.


Following his untimely death in 1990, the Keith Haring Foundation teamed up with the makers of Sesame Street to create a number of animated segments for an episode of their show broadcast in 1991. We've been able to secure ten original animation cells from a short feature called "Telephone", which you can watch on YouTube HERE.


Although made after his death, these are incredible and poignant pop culture artefacts that celebrate Haring's wonderful spirit of openness. He once said that children are colour-blind and still free of all the complications, greed and hatred that will slowly be instilled in them through life". He would've thoroughly appreciated his imagery being used on a programme like Sesame Street, famous for its inclusivity and kindness.


Any questions? We are happy to help. Call: 0117 279 6402 or send us a message now.


See all works by Haring

December 20, 2022
of 151