Without expertise a collector might not pick up on these issues. If you’ve been unlucky enough to buy a problem artwork at auction, you should be aware that 'caveat emptor' applies and you are very unlikely to get your money back. Nor is your investment protected if you happen to miss the line in the condition report that mentions the work has been glued to a backing board or has more ripples in it than the ocean!
Buying from a reputable dealer or online gallery is one way to avoid these pitfalls. However, even then you need to exercise caution. Do they have true expertise and a proven track record? Is there somewhere you can visit to raise a concern (an increasing issue with online only galleries) and an actual human they can speak to? Perhaps most importantly, will they be around in five years’ time when you might come to sell the work or require a new valuation or option for consignment?
Taking all these risks into consideration, Hidden Gallery, with its expertise and scale, can offer you ongoing support, security and peace of mind. Our prices, whilst a little more than work sold at auction houses, private dealers and online platforms, reflect the resources and expertise that go into every piece of work we sell. Take a look at our buying process below - it is why we believe it's worth paying a little bit extra to invest in art with Hidden Gallery.
The Hidden Process
From start to finish -
How we choose what to buy
Now that you know our process, here is a little insight to what we consider when sourcing artwork
We also consider practical factors such as age, condition and rarity. We've set out some of the most pertinent issues below:
We are extremely selective about the works we sell. Examining more than ten thousand artworks a year across hundreds of auctions, we rule out at least 99% of them before we even place a bid. As one of our collectors, be rest assured that when you visit Hidden you are only looking at the very best of what is available at this level.
Start buying from Hidden
At Hidden we pride ourselves on offering a friendly, welcoming and non-intimidating entry to a dynamic market. We are all lovers of art who believe wholeheartedly in the integrity of what we offer. We are always happy to answer whatever questions you may have and will stand shoulder-shoulder with you as you build your collection, and beyond.
Our gallery is based in Bristol and we are always delighted to welcome visitors without an appointment.
Whether you’re just starting out or are already the owner of an extensive collection, we’re delighted to offer our expertise and assistance. If it’s a consultation you’re looking for or a home approval, we can accommodate most requests!